In the vast majority of cases, the formula for setting the level of dues combines a minimum base rate plus a small fee per full-time, permanent employee. The system is designed to result in a “fair share” contribution by businesses of all sizes. In some special business categories, a different formula is sometimes used; however, the goal is always fairness.
Everyone! Our events are open to member and prospective, non-member guests.
Please contact Leslie Traylor at for information about the available partnership and sponsorship opportunities.
The Chamber offers a wide variety of training, education, and career development programs that help you build your staff; we help foster the growth of other businesses at which family members of your associates can find meaningful employment; we work for a better business climate by advocating on your behalf to local, state, and federal governments; and we help steer educational development in directions that will drive growth for our county.
Yes! When your employer joins the Chamber, they are joining for all employees within that company. Any employee may take advantage of the program and benefit offerings.
The Chamber is a voluntary, not-for-profit organization of business and professional people. It is not a department of local government, a charitable organization or a civic club; we derive 100% of our income from membership dues, sponsorships and programming.
Many people are surprised to learn that 85% of the Chamber members are small businesses with 25 or fewer employees. We work hard to offer programs designed to support both our large and small member businesses’ needs.